
What should I send for lunch?

Your child will be very active in our camp program-playing games and sports, swimming etc. Children need healthy lunches and snacks to fuel this high level of activity and greater quantities of food then they would require in a lunch for a typical day at school.  Please ensure your camper comes with at least two snacks and a hearty lunch to ensure they are fueled for the day!  When you plan your child’s lunch, please keep in mind that there are no microwaves at camp. In accordance with our commitment to the environment, we ask campers to bring food and drinks in reusable containers (lunchbox, water bottle, etc.) which are clearly labeled with their name. Leftover food will go back home (incl. wrappers, cutlery etc.)

Lunch suggestions

  • Choose an insulated lunch bag with an ice pack to keep lunches and snacks fresh all day. (Lunches will go into a camp fridge upon arrival)
  • Freeze juice boxes or water bottles the night before- the drink stays cool and refreshing and the frozen container acts like an ice pack!
  • Fresh drinking water is provided on-site at camp. Send a refillable water bottle and we will remind your child to drink and fill it up during the day.

Please note:  Nut products are NOT permitted at Camp.  Many of our campers have nut allergies, so please do not send your camper with any food that may contain nuts or any products that contain peanuts or tree nuts!

(We are unable to ensure that all food brought to camp do not contain nuts)
